"There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." |
If there's something you're wanting to explore......
- Perhaps a different career path or a new business.
- Maybe a new relationship or a relocation.
- Perhaps it's an awareness that something needs to end so something new can begin.
- Or maybe you're looking to expand the possibilities for a current path - and you're ready for a "what's next" thought process that's both creative and intuitive.
......this is a perfect opportunity to jump into a pool of Purple Possibilities!

Do you want to understand the significance of your life story and how it feeds your life purpose?
Would you like to see how all the dots connect on your life path?
Are you interested in exploring the possibilities that are available to you now?
Because you're a valued subscriber, I want to personally introduce you to my newest program - designed to inspire the divine possibilities on your life purpose journey. Through creative exploration and an open mind, you'll be gently guided into a more heightened awareness of what's already present as you shift your focus toward connecting the dots of life's synchronicities.
As someone who is familiar with my work, you know I'm a lover of synchronicity. And what most fascinates me about synchronicities are the possibilities that are available to us when we're fully aware of them.
"There were a lot of lessons wrapped up in this exploration of Purple Possibilities! What I've always seen as challenges, you helped me see as synchronicities with meaning. I was amazed to see how pivotal they were to my life purpose." ~ Emmy Rogers, London, England
"I'm lovingly calling this new program the "Purple Possibility Project."
This name came to me when I started thinking about the possibilities that lie in "grey" when we step out of a black and white mindset. And then I began to think, what if - we "colorized" the black and white and made it red and blue? What possibilities would be available to us if we chose to look through a purple lens?
What would we see? And how could this alter the path we're currently on?
The Purple Possibility Project is a more playful, whimsical version of my deeper Life Purpose Legacy work. It's a fun approach to looking at the path of our life story and how it reveals our true divine purpose - our mission in this lifetime, should we choose to fully receive it.
By connecting the dots of synchronicity and following the "thread of purpose" - where would we land? And what doors would open from there?
All of our work will be done in the Purple Possibility Studio, a private group forum - and will include:
- An array of journal writing prompts
- Visual mapping strategies
- Pre-recorded visualizations
- Astrological and moon phase wisdom
And all will be delivered through a series of facilitated discussion threads where you'll receive intuitive guidance and coaching from me as well as support from your fellow Purple Possibility participants.
You'll also be treated to a variety of expert interviews that highlight unique approaches and techniques designed to help you further your creative exploration. These topics will include visual journaling, dream exploration, numerology, synchronicity journaling, working with the energy of colors, and nature journaling.
Additionally, you'll be invited to join a monthly Purple Possibility telegathering where you can ask your most pressing questions and get on the spot coaching.
"I am so grateful to have gone through the Purple Possibility work with Tina. Being able to follow her intuitive process allowed me to be very present with where I was in the moment and to connect with what I truly wanted. I felt as if I was able to dive into a new direction and leave what isn't serving me any longer. I am so excited what lies ahead."
~ Stacy Stehle, Thornton, CO
If this sounds like an exciting opportunity to you, I hope you'll join me!
Your Purple Possibility experience begins the minute you enter our virtual Studio - where you can immerse yourself in a variety of creative tools and empowering exercises, all designed to guide you into a deeper exploration of what's possible on your Purple Possibility path.
"Thank you for your intuitive wisdom, Tina! And thank you for this Purple Possibility experience. It's been amazing! I am now off to begin my new endeavor as a nature photographer and soon-to-be author, which all came about as a result of exploring my Purple Possibilities!"
~ Kelly Baer, Alpharetta, GA
Because this is an open membership program, your one-time investment is a very modest $797 for full access to the "purposefully playful" process. You can take as long as you need and work at your own pace.
Or if you prefer a monthly payment plan, just click the purple registration button below to arrange for six monthly payments of $147 each (beginning now with your first payment - and five more payments spaced 30 days apart).
"Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to explore what felt impossible - and to see that it's all possible! I'm now immersing myself in Purple Possibilities! ~ Krista Moore, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Here's to exploring the richness of Purple Possibilities!
Hope to see you on the other side of the purple lens! :-)
Your Purple Possibility Catalyst:
Tina M. Games is the author of Journaling by the Moonlight: A Mother’s Path to Self-Discovery (an interactive book with an accompanying deck of 54 journaling prompt cards). As a certified creativity and life purpose coach, and a gifted intuitive, she is the “Moonlight Muse” for women who want to tap into the “full moon within” and claim their authentic self, both personally and professionally. Through her signature coaching programs, based on the phases of the moon, Tina gently guides women from darkness to light as they create an authentic vision filled with purpose, passion and creative expression. She lives in Harwich, Massachusetts with her husband and their two children.